Saturday, October 1, 2011

Purple Lilies

The last few days were basicly amazing. I love my job so much. Picture day was yesterday and it was so cute to see all the kids dressed up. I work with amazing girls that I am pleased to call my close friends. My roommates are so kind and fun to be around and I love the people in the apartment complex. I think I have been blessed beyond anything I thought I would ever find here in Provo.

Thursday night I went to Keven's house and we made calzones and pie...okay well we defrosted the pie but we did make the calzones! We watched Part 2 of the Decent and The Box. Both were good. His roommate Ross was there to and he is a super nice guy. He works at a plasma center which is basicly just as it sounds a center where people give their plasma.

Yesterday Keven picked me up and sitting on the passenger seat awaiting me was a bouque of purple calla lillies. My favorite flower in my favorite color.....I was speachless. And if you know me at all that is a rare occasion! We went to his missionary reunion and I saw so many people I have not seen in years and I met people who never made it to New Paltz during their time in the New York New York North mission. When Keven introduced me to the Mission President he congragulated me on my marriage to Keven. Now before you freak out I am NOT married, he just assumed we were haha. I was asked at least twice again if we were married. Needless to say Keven and I got a great laugh out of it. When I got home David told me there was a concert and our friends were preforming. It was at a crepe place in Orem and it was amazing! Adam, Adam, and Shawn are in a band called Crazy Old Maurice and they play folk music and are great. Another guy played and OMGosh he was so talented. So I had a great night and today has been amazing too.

Some of you may know that today is General Confrance, for those of you who are confused I will explain. General Confrance is when the leaders of the LDS church broadcast to the whole world. It is a great spiritual experiance and I can't wait for the second half to start. They anounced that they are building a new Temple in Provo. That means TWO Temples in Provo! I can not wait to see the blessing that will bring to not only my life but to the lives of all the people in Provo. I have been to the Temple and it is crowded. Having two will be so great in the movement of ordinances. Tomorrow I am watching the Sunday portion at Keven's house and then we are going to his to be sister's house for food and such. I am having such an amazing week and next week will just be better I am sure of it. I hope where ever you are who ever you are that you are having a great day. I love you and hope that you are happy in life.

Love Luisa